1x Vision Mycket bra √
1 x box 6 flies √
1 x My Ghillie rod holder (More on that later) √
1 x sharp knife √
1 x small pliers √
1 x small wire cutters √
1 x scissors √
1 x hook sharpener √
1 x tape measure √
1 x boga-grip √
2 x forceps √
1 x bottle juice √
1 x camera phone √
1 x super glue √
2 x spare 60lb mono leaders/wire traces √
1 x packet LOOP pike wire √
1 x Vision pike fly swivels √
1 x Vision pike wire √
I hate carrying too much shit with me, so this is what I roll with while out on the water.
Total weight 1,1kg. Gone fishing…..nuff said!!
Being able to fish ever day isn’t always about catching fish, in fact my morning sessions are generally spent testing flies, and over the last 3 weeks while waiting for the season to take off, I’ve been playing around with a number of variations of this fly until I was happy with not only its construction but how it moved both on & under the surface of the water.
There are two main attributes needed for the Sidewinder bobble head to work. The trimmed head (Mirror Image, Slink fibre, Funky fibre and Frizz fibre) needs to be as large & as round as possible and the tail section (Big fly fibre, Icelandic sheep hair, Party wig hair, Microbarb saddle hackles) shouldn’t be too long as it hinders the side to side swimming action it produces.
I’ve fished them with both floating and intermediate lines and although they work well as a surface lure and push a lot of water, they really come into their own fished with an intermediate line and short sharp continuous strips allowing for a decent pause between the next set of strips. You can tie these in any colour you want but to be honest it’s the undulating erratic zigzag movement this fly has that will attract pike and not the colour scheme.
I’m busy working on a tutorial for the “Sidewinder bobble head” which I hope to have finished on Thursday.