Red/Black, Purple/Black, Dark blue/black are great colour combinations for low light conditions. These were blended out of 3 separate red flash n slinky & slinky fibers and finished of with a splash of black for lateral lines.
Simon- Is there a reason you use the cones on the front of your tube flies. I do not use them on mine because they cause them to sink too much. I do not know of a tube function they preform.
Nice flies, near to my village, here in Spain, I can catch trout, carps, bass with fly rod, sometimes I visit other rivers to catch pike... last time We got some... but smaller that you, je,je... take a look to my blog... bye-bye... Carlos
James,Depending on how deep I'm going to be fishing, or with what line I might use will depend on whether I use metal cones or plastic. I use Plastic cones fished with a floating or intermediate line and metal cones with fast sinking lines. The cones actually keep the front of the fly nicely compact as well as give a little weight which I prefer.
Fantastic shoal of fish!
Thanks David.
Is there a reason you use the cones on the front of your tube flies. I do not use them on mine because they cause them to sink too much. I do not know of a tube function they preform.
Nice flies, near to my village, here in Spain, I can catch trout, carps, bass with fly rod, sometimes I visit other rivers to catch pike... last time We got some... but smaller that you, je,je... take a look to my blog...
bye-bye... Carlos
Cheers Carlos
James,Depending on how deep I'm going to be fishing, or with what line I might use will depend on whether I use metal cones or plastic. I use Plastic cones fished with a floating or intermediate line and metal cones with fast sinking lines. The cones actually keep the front of the fly nicely compact as well as give a little weight which I prefer.
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