This foam flathead moves a lot of water and depending on how wide you make it depends on how much noise and water you want it to make & move.

Cut a piece of foam like this

Fold it over itself

Tie onto the front of the hook near the eye.I like to place a blob of super glue under it just to keep it in place while I tie it down. The back lip can be super glued together although I don't bother with it.

Hi Simon,
Do you have a favorite way of carrying your tube flies while fishing? And do you have a favorite hook (and size) for use with your tube flies
Sandy, I take an old video box with drawing pins pushed through at the end which have been and super glued down so I can slide the tubes on to them inside. Will do a tight arse top tip this weekend to show you what I mean. I use short shanked hooks for my tubes In 3/0 & 4/0.If I'm tying onto big tubes then I will use 6/0 hooks. With my poppers though I like to use a slightly longer shanked hook though. I explained the reasoning for that yesterday.
Cheers Si
Thanks Simon
I look forward to the tight arse tip!!
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