Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Away for a week!
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
Durban Bay harbour flats

Monday, 27 February 2012
More sailfish flies!

Friday, 24 February 2012
Charlies - Total control stripping tray review!

It stores in its own pouch which I’ve found rather handy for doubling up as another compartment for holding spare leaders, and a few extra flies.

This you can have either hanging inside and open while fishing, or my preferred method of flipping it over and having it on the outside pressed between the outer wall and my body.

Although probably not needed, one can also use this stripping tray as a makeshift net as well as a weighing bag. Just take the handle on the outer side of the basket with the waist strap and it can be hung from a set of weight scales.

If you’re fishing from the shore, lake/river bank, off elevated rocks or from a boat, then having the stripping tray in this position is at its most practical. Take the waist strap and clip it to your shorts/trousers/belt then take the other strap around your leg and clip together and tighten. Having the basket at this level offers a more natural downward stripping motion thus allowing you to regulate the lengths and speed of your retrieve far better than a higher waist mounted basket that I’ve become accustomed to using, and as its has such a wide opening one doesn’t need to worry whether the line is not going in. Line comes out of it with each back cast with ease, which in turn allows you to cast further and more accurately.

If you decide to wade up to your knees then unclip the strap around your leg and wrap it around your waist & clip back up again. However if you decide to wade around waist deep one can then wrap the strap around your chest. Personally this is just too uncomfortable a position for me. The only real down side to this stripping tray which a cheap plastic washing basket offers, is that once you become too submerged, water flows freely through it and turns your fly line over hindering your next cast.

Due to the amount of wading I do, I use the “My Ghillie” for holding my rod when having to change leaders or a fly, but if you don’t have one of these handy bits of equipment all you need to do is place your rod into the bottom of the basket and fold the outer side inwards so it presses up against your hip. This holds the rod firmly in place while you do all the necessary adjustments.

Lastly, If moving from one fishing spot to another along the beach, a lake or rivers shoreline, then all you need to do is push the sides together and press the opposite strips of Velcro together. This is particularly handy when moving around a boat or through long reeds or shrubbery. Overall, if it wasn’t for the water that engulfs it when wading waist deep constantly flipping your line over I’d give “Charlies total control stripping tray” a 10 out of 10.
If your interested in getting one of these stripping trays retailing at €59,00, then drop by Easyfly's shop to order one
Thursday, 23 February 2012
More sailfish flies!

Wednesday, 22 February 2012
Tight arse tying materials!

Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Sailfish flies!

Monday, 20 February 2012
The J-Bobbin review

If you’ve been a regular visitor to these shores for some yrs now you’ll know how highly I rate Jay Smits – J-vice and all the accessories that come with it. Well for the last 8 months I’ve been using his J-Bobbin extensively for tying all my flies, and again he’s come up trumps with an incredibly clever piece of fly tying equipment.

The J-bobbins thread arm is positioned at 45 degrees to the bobbin allowing ones arm to be held lower & closer to your side which in turn provides a more relaxed tying posture when either wrapping thread along the hook shank or when tying materials on. Having the thread arm running perpendicular to the hook shank also allows for you to create closer, tighter, neater wraps as well.

To load a new thread bobbing onto the J-bobbin, one only needs to slacken the screw on the bobbin arm wide enough for the bobbin to slide onto the small grommets on either side. Then tighten up the screw to your desired thread tension. It looks bulky but to be honest it fits snugly in your hand and the added weight actually helps keep the thread directly over your last wrap when hanging loose.

Now I use industrial plastic coated thread for all my flies which come on slightly wider bobbins than the normal fly tying ones (They’re half the price and I get 80m per bobbin….so why not!) So after sending Jay the specs while in Finland, he managed to rustle me up an extended bobbin arm which I picked up a couple of days after I arrived. Not bad service if you ask me.

Another fantastic feature that comes with the J-bobbin is an ingenious piece of looped blue nylon.

Insert the blue looped nylon into the thread arm & simply pass your thread through the loop

And pull the standing end of nylon up the arm.
Regardless of whether you’re a professional tier like myself or someone who’s able to steal a couple of hours in an evening at his man cave, I can’t recommend this bobbin enough. Again Jay has come up with the goods with providing the fly tying world with probably one of the best bobbins out there to date.
Lastly each bobbin is individually numbered like his vises. I have J-bobbins 28 & 98 and it retails for $30 or €23. To order yourself one or two click this link
Saturday, 18 February 2012
With fly rod after pike!

Friday, 17 February 2012
Airflo's Reels

Another aspect which I've found difficult to come to grips with this reel, is its incessant need to slowly wind the line back onto itself.Whether this is because I changed the mechanism around to suite my right handed style I don't know, but it doesn't happen with the smaller 6/5 - 6.20oz reel. I've stripped it down a couple of times to check whether it wasn't seated properly but it has been each time. Rather annoying when you've stripped off the right length of line from the reel to get over a sandback only to have it slowly reel back onto the spool all the time. The last thing I've wanted to do is to constantly remember to peel line off for the next cast. Overall though it is a sturdy strong reel capable of holding a large amount of backing a line on it.

Thursday, 16 February 2012
Fly swaps!

To order yourself a set of his flies. Thanks for these Ole they are absolutely stunning mate!
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
Cliff hangers in the Underberg!