Another outstanding fly tier that I've come to admire, respect and draw inspiration from over the last couple of years is a chap called Andy Elliot from Ireland. This guy ties some of the most insane, practical saltwater flies for Sea Bass (Stripers) around.
His minimal use of materials to produce life like fish catching flies has been something I've been able to incorporate into mine this last year to great success.
He's recently started up a new website called "Chasing silver" which he says is a work in progress, but is starting to be filled with some fantastic step by step tutorials and stunning imigary of his work. He supplies many of the guides in the UK & Ireland with his flies and he says his shop will re-open in May once he's finished his stint of Chemotherapy he's presently undergoing at the mo,but I'll let him explain all the details which you can read about through his other blog " Cancer, Chemo & Circumnavigation"
Thanks for letting me use some of your images Andy. Hopefully someday in the near future, I'll get to meet you at a tying event somewhere in Europe and have a beer or two together.
Simon- I have started mounting my flies vertical in the vise. Then rotate the picture counter clockwise. This way the fly looks like it is mounted in the vise still but since it was hanging vertical, you dont get the droopy tail effect.
Hello SImon,
Great flies indeed! Thanks for sharing this information!
Kind regards!
José Barbosa
I have started mounting my flies vertical in the vise. Then rotate the picture counter clockwise. This way the fly looks like it is mounted in the vise still but since it was hanging vertical, you dont get the droopy tail effect.
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