For the last 6 weeks I've been using the Vibe 85 line from Vision and If you want my honest opinion it has to be one of the best lines I've used in the last 5 years. It is perfect for turning over large flies even in strong winds and in yellow is extremely visible over 30m. I'ts not a pike specific line in any stretch of the imagination but it should be. Not that one needs too, but one can punch this line out 30m no problem, and with the low stretch core it has you really do feel every take. The new Vibe lines have a long lasting slick and supple coating which remains memory free even in cold conditions. The slickness is achieved by adding Teflon® particles to the coating and this way the slickness doesn’t wear off either.The Vibe 85 has an aggressive front taperd 8.5 meter long head,which acts similar to a shooting head.
I recently visited Vision headquarters last week when I went to give that talk at the Espoo fly fishing club and I can now say they have some new tackle coming out for next d´season specifically for us pike fly fisherman which I'm extremely excited about. Firstly they will be retailing the new "Big daddy pike fly rod" with its own "Big Daddy fly lines" in floating,Intermediate and fast sink range. Firstly the rod looks the business in green and yellow (modelled on the pikes colouration) and will have a fast/medium action. No pictures yet I'm affraid, but will be able to get my grubby little mits on a couple in the near future and will definitely be reviewing this rod. I can tell you that this is a class piece of kit and will be retailing for a lot less than some of the crap that is on the market at present....Stay tuned!
I'll definately try this line..
btw, the shouting popup ad almost gave me a heart attack.
I'll definately try this line..
btw, the shouting popup ad almost gave me a heart attack.
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