Saturday, 30 October 2010
fly art

Friday, 29 October 2010
Fly Candy

Out and about

Monday, 25 October 2010
Bugbond uses

Fly Candy

Sunday, 24 October 2010
Out and about

Saturday, 23 October 2010

As so rightly pointed out in the comments section....it isnt 18,34 kilos as I 1st stated but more 13kilo's
Sorry to anyone I mislead. Still I'm happy with that even though I am a fucking amateur!
Still I've had a great Autumn season
Naturals vs synthetics
Here on the other hand is a prime example why I prefer natural materials over synthetics. This double bunny has all the traits of what a fly should be doing for you in the water.Its bright....so it's visible & It pulses,vibrates and wiggles which in turn gives off a hell of a lot of vibrations under the surface. The downfall to using these kind of attractor patterns many people say is that they become extremely heavy to cast with. Well I can't argue that fact, but I've found that using these heavier waited flies I'm able to load my line better for casting and to be honest there is no need to be casting these kinda flies 25m. Another great aspect why I prefer naturals is..... if tied correctly it will last you ten times longer than a synthetic pattern purely because naturals are far more forgiving in a snotrockets gob. Some time over the next week I'll show you some examples of flies I've used this season between synthetic baitfish patterns and feathered fur streamers.
Friday, 22 October 2010
fly art

click for larger view.
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Micro barb saddles

Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Adapting new techniques

Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Neon glow

Monday, 18 October 2010

I know I’ve mentioned Bug-bond on here before, but If there’s one product that has revolutionised the way I finish off my flies it has to be this product. Yes there are a few similar UV Cured resins on the market today, but none cure as quickly or without any tack, like Bug-bond does. For those that still use 5 min epoxies to coat their flies, then you really are still living in the dark ages. This is how simple it is to use

After the fly is completed and the eyes are placed in the position I want them. I add a thin coating over the eye as well as the front. Slowly rotate the vise a few turns until it has settled and spread evenly.

Turn vise over and coat the other eye. Rotate vise a couple of times and use the UV Torch again for 3-5 seconds and the fly is finished. No mixing of 2 pack 5 min resins, no irritating tiny air bubbles, no yellowing or discolouration and above all no mess! Another aspect which elevates Bug-bond above all other competitors is how easy it is to apply. The handy squeeze bottle and applicator tips allow you to administer as much or as little as you require for each specific job. A 20ml bottle generally allows me to coat between 60 - 70 baitfish heads.
Bug-Bond have recently started offering a Standard Kit comprising a Multi-LED UV Light (currently a 12 UV LED Light but subject to change - Batteries included) together with a 20ml bottle of Bug-Bond and a Pro-Tip kit for £29.95 GBP plus postage is by far the cheapest tack free UV cure kit available on the market today. Until the end of October they will be giving away a Pro-Tip kit worth £4.95 GBP (subject to availability) with every Bug-Bond kit ordered.
The Bug-Bond Pro-kit comprises 1x 20ml bottle of Bug-Bond and 1x Nightsearcher 395 UV torch and costs £59.95 GBP (you will require 2x CR123a batteries to power the UV light).
For those living in the United States, Bug-Bond is now fully available through Greg Becker at Whitewaterflies.com http://www.whitewaterflies.com/catalog/-c-11_96.html or either with Scott Wessels at Bear’s Den http://www.bearsden.com/page102.html
Once you’ve tried and used Bug-bond, you’ll understand why I rate this product so highly. Click any of the links to visit the Bug-bond website to order yourself some. David Edwards owner of BB, is a fantastic chap to deal with and will answer any questions you might have. Visit his blog “Deesox” or the BB Facebook page to read how versatile this stuff really is.
Saturday, 16 October 2010
Golden eye!

Friday, 15 October 2010
Fly Candy

Thursday, 14 October 2010
Fly Candy

Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Top Honours

- Pike fly-fishing articles http://pikeflyfishingarticles.blogspot.com/
- Hiking in Finland http://hikinginfinland.com/
- Wapaalla http://hetkiretki.vuodatus.net/
- Taimen minun silmin http://taimenmies.blogspot.com/
- Reppuun kasattua http://kaarnikanfuuruja.blogspot.com/
- Naisretkeilyn koko kuva http://niceretki.blogspot.com/
- Suomen freestylemelontajoukkueen blogi http://freestylemelonta.blogspot.com
- Verta ja kasa hylsyjä http://tosiextreme.blogspot.com/
- Perhokalastusblogi http://pietarisipponen.blogspot.com/
- Asentopaikan päiväkirja http://www.asentopaikka.fi/wp

Vibe 85 from Vision

I recently visited Vision headquarters last week when I went to give that talk at the Espoo fly fishing club and I can now say they have some new tackle coming out for next d´season specifically for us pike fly fisherman which I'm extremely excited about. Firstly they will be retailing the new "Big daddy pike fly rod" with its own "Big Daddy fly lines" in floating,Intermediate and fast sink range. Firstly the rod looks the business in green and yellow (modelled on the pikes colouration) and will have a fast/medium action. No pictures yet I'm affraid, but will be able to get my grubby little mits on a couple in the near future and will definitely be reviewing this rod. I can tell you that this is a class piece of kit and will be retailing for a lot less than some of the crap that is on the market at present....Stay tuned!
Readers fish porn

Thanks for this Djuza, tight lines with the autumn my friend.
Monday, 11 October 2010
Fly Candy

Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Mono vs wire

Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Fly Candy

Monday, 4 October 2010
Fly Candy

Spey daze!