Step 1:
Slide a 10 mm bigger tube over a small tube towards the end. All tying will be done on the smaller tube. Then run a length of cotton along the small tube up to the bigger tube then back 8mm.
Step 2:
Cut a 5mm strip of white Raccoon fur and tie on from where you had stopped with the cotton
Step 3:
Turn vise upside down and tie on a small clump of pearl angel hair
Step 4:
Turn vise back over and tie on a small clump of Chartreuse pseudo hair
Cut a 5 mm strip of Olive raccoon fur. Snip fur from leather and tie on in front of the Chartreuse pseudo hair
Step 6:
Palmer on 2 Chartreuse grizzly variant neck hackles on
Step 7:
Whip finish and add a dab of head cement to it. Slide a silver cone over the tube to finish of. This fly can be tied onto hooks as well.
4 months ago I had a couple of clients arrive from the
Anyway that afternoon we spent 5 hours chuckin fluff and only managed 4 pike…. So much for the killer pattern I thought!. Anyway the next day I took a large selection of my own flies along and before we departed we sat down over a couple of cups of coffee and disgust the previous days fishing, where it transpired that both were basically self taught pike fly-fishermen & fly tyer’s (Respect fellas) This though had unfortunately stunted their progression in the sport some what. I told them they both needed to look further than the comfort zone they’d obviously fallen into, & just for that day use a multitude of different flies I’d tied, instead of the flies they’d brought….Which thank Christ they agreed. By the time we’d stopped for lunch both chaps had bagged no fewer than 15 pike….The most pike they’d ever caught in a single 4 hr session.
Before each change of fly, I explained to them the action it would give off under the water as well as how to fish the fly through different depths and speeds. By the end of the day the pair had caught 27 pike. In one day they had learned more about the engineering and esthetics that goes into different pike flies, than in the 3 years they’d been pike fly-fishing. This wasn’t because my flies were better, but because we used all types of flies, tied with all manner or materials & colours, fished at different speeds and depths and it opened their eyes up to a whole new world………..More tomorrow!
This fly can be tied either on hook or tube. Run your cotton along the length of the thin tube and back to half way
Step 2:
Cut an 8 mm strip of white raccoon zonker fur and tie on
Step 3:
Turn vise upside down and tie on a small clump of pearl angel hair
Step 5:
Turn vise back over and then tie on a 120 mm microbarb grizzly saddle
Step 6:
Directly after that tie a small clump of brown Raccoon fur on.
Step 7:
Tie on your second microbarb grizzly saddle (This one only 80 mm long)
Step 8:
Turn vise over again and tie on a very small amount of red arctic fox fur.