Tuesday, 27 December 2011
Pike on the fly in Sweden!
Although I've done a lot of Canoeing & Kayaking I haven't fly fished for pike before from one,and it looks a bag load of fun. So much so that I'm looking at getting four sit on top "Freedom hawk kayaks" for here around the island. 7 day trips paddling & fishing between many of the 2000 islands that can be found here while camped out during the evenings.
Friday, 23 December 2011
Everyone has there own prefered set up with regards to pike fly fishing. I like to keep things as simple as I can. My leader is always joined to the fly line by way of a loop to loop connection. I then merge my 60lb mono leader to my flexible wire trace by way of an albright knot. I have total confidence in this knot as I've never lost a fish since I started using it many years ago. My wire swivels are then attached to the wire trace by way of a Uni knot. Quick and simple!
Thursday, 22 December 2011
Cavity search please Mr Graham!

Thursday, 15 December 2011
Fly Swap with Mike Williams!

Wednesday, 14 December 2011
Mike Smalls Musky/Pike madness

Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Fly Candy

Monday, 12 December 2011
2011 season Stats!
2011 stats
Fished exactly 240 consecutive days this season on the island
Approx 720hrs
1838 before 12h00
1059 after 12h00
First (120 days) - 1670 pike caught & released + 2 pike for the table
Second (120 days) – 1224 pike caught & released + 1 pike for the table
797 caught between 60cm – 65cm
691 caught between 65cm – 75cm
968 caught between 75cm – 85cm
409 caught between 85cm - 90cm
18 caught between 90cm – 95cm
11 caught between 95cm – 100cm
3 caught between 100cm – 105cm
2 caught between 105cm – 110cm
3 pike taken home for the table
Had 11 blanks this season
733 caught in the North of the island
814 caught in the Centre of the island
532 caught in the West of the island
312 caught in the South of the island
506 caught in the East of the island
1122 caught on sunny/partly cloudy days
1775 caught on overcast/rainy days
134 caught on calm flat windless days (Interesting stat)
723 caught on days where the wind was 0m/sec – 5m/sec
866 caught on days where wind was between 5m/sec – 10m/sec
651 caught on days where wind was between 10m/sec – 15m/sec
451 caught on days where wind was between 15m/sec – 20m/sec
72 caught on days where wind was between 20m/sec – 28m/sec
367 caught on days when Northerly winds were blowing
1121 caught on days when Southerly winds were blowing
861 caught on days when Easterly winds were blowing
548 caught on days when Westerly winds were blowing
1841 caught with floating line
1056 caught with Intermediate line
19 fish caught with the 1st cast of the session
912 fish caught from 72 days fished from a boat
1985 caught while wading or rock hopping
1177 caught with water temps between 3´c – 12’c
1238 caught with water temps between 12’c - 20’c
482 caught with water temps above 21’c
342 caught with spinner blades running along my wire trace
366 caught with Fish skull head flies
Guided 43 clients this season that caught and released 2632 pike
Clients caught 17 pike over 1m (biggest being 118cm in late Oct)
I Caught 27 Ide this season on the fly
I Caught 12 Perch this season on the fly
I foul hooked 7 Bream on the fly
1 Carp on the fy
1953 caught with attractor patterns
944 caught with synthetic baitfish patterns

Flies (Attractor patterns)
Replot stinger
132 Chartreuse/white
119 Pink/white
82 Olive
111 Black/green
246 Black/purple
Raccoon bunnies
97 Red/White
36 Turquoise/White
71 Orange/Brown
25 Blue/Grey
Fury Flash-tails
46 Pink
39 Blue
17 Chartreuse
11 Brown
Dubbing brush flash flies
22 Gold/Brown
19 Red/Silver
41 Balck/Blue
52 Balck/Silver
76 Green/Gold
9 Purple/Pink
56 Red/Orange
Bunny-bug type patterns
83 Fire tiger
72 Black/pink/White
17 White/Black
68 Black/Red/White
45 Orange/Black
28 Olive/white
37 Red/White
12 Purple/Orange
43 Black/Purple
21 Chartreuse/white
9 Chartreuse/Black
Feathered fur streamers & (Deceiver type patterns)
34 Black/Silver
18 Black/White
13 Chartreuse/White
27 Orange/Black
19 Black/purple
24 Pink/White
21 Olive/White
16 Olive/Black
10 White/Silver
22 Pink/Black
7 Black/Yellow
Synthetic baitfish patterns
Soft belly baitfish
26 Electric yellow
31 Olive
17 Perch
28 Pink
79 Blue
12 Tiger Chartreuse
Realistic baitfish
146 Baltic Herring
39 Black/Olive
51 Black/Chartreuse
23 Olive
47 Red beard
20 TX9
32 Perch
19 Green Mamba
106 Herring 2
Baitfish patterns
29 Black knight
46 Blue white
38 Red/Black
28 Perch
Rattle n hums
17 Pink
25 Blue
Other streamer baitfish (Bangers)
12 Orange/Black
16 Pink/White
24 Black/Silver
9 Black/White
Poppers/Lazy boys/Divers
16 Lazy boys
5 Popper streamers
3 Divers
Saturday, 10 December 2011
glag rags!

Friday, 9 December 2011
Pike on the fly in Sweden!
Heres my mate Rickard Hodel from "Me & my rod" blog in Sweden getting stuck into a nice fish!
Thursday, 8 December 2011
More from Mike Small

Wednesday, 7 December 2011
Mike Smalls Musky/Pike madness
Many of you might remember this video I featured at the beginning of the year with regards to Mike Smalls musky/pike flies swimming action in a testing tank at the musky expo.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011
Rag mags!

Click images or links to visit sites
Monday, 5 December 2011
Tube fly combination tails

Friday, 2 December 2011
Surf Candy!

Friday, 25 November 2011
Fly swaps!

Thursday, 24 November 2011
Fly Candy

Tuesday, 22 November 2011
Fly Candy