cleaning a northern pike from Mark Buesgens on Vimeo.
Here is the Canadian way for filleting pikeA few weeks back I received by post, a copy of the “The Lost World of Mr Hardy” presented by “Truffelpig films” & produced & directed by Andy Heathcote & Heike Bachelier, and what an outstanding piece of cinematography it is. Although I’ve never owned a Hardy’s rod or reel, I’ve had the pleasure of fishing with a couple my grandfathers split cane rods several years back and I was always impressed with how wonderfully they cast. So to be able to put faces and places to their manufacture was rather special experience for me…..especially being a geordie like!
Anyway the film takes you on a journey from the company’s inception in the late eighteen hundreds by William & John James Hardy to the “House of Hardy” to present day Hardy- Greys. Filled with personal accounts from past employees, wonderful archive clips from their hay day when their split cane rods and Foster Hardy’s perfect reel, were to be matched nowhere else in the world. The film gives real insight into in to how Hardy Brothers brought engineering of the highest quality into fishing tackle manufacture. Introducing the first fishing catalogues as well as half hour fishing films to take round to prospective clients during the 1920’s was unheard of then. In short they literally revolutionised the fly fishing industry into what it has become today. As a fly tier I found the interview with Ken Middlemist particularly interesting, as he reminisced about the good old days where Salmon flies were dressed and not tied, by hand.
It’s only fitting that the finest fly rods & reels in the world should have a truly remarkable film produced about them which this film is, and for any avid fly fisherman out there I honestly recommend you add “The Lost World of Mr Hardy” to your collection.
To order a copy, click any of the links or the image to visit the Truffelpig website or click the banner in the right column of my blog
The Lost World of Mr Hardy (trailer) from Trufflepig Films on Vimeo.
Here is a short clip from the film just to wet your appetite.
Musky Country: Zero 2 Hero Trailer from RT on Vimeo.
Check out the new teaser trailer for the new Robert Thompson flim "Musky country: zero to hero" coming out in February 2011. Although a different species, these guys share the same intense passion I have for pike. I hope someday to get the chance to chuck some fluff at this fish cause they sound a real challenge by all accounts.The "Ice-Pick" Streamer from Richard Strolis on Vimeo.
Here's another fly by one of my favourite fly tiers Rich Strollis, that could be tweeked slightly to target pike. I've become a massive fan of these fish skulls from flymenfishing co as they give your fly an awesome jigging action when used with a floating line and sink tip.1) I fished from (April 22nd – Nov 5th) - 204 consecutive days, averaging 3hrs per day. During the weekends off course, more time was dedicated to chucking fluff
2) I wasn’t sure whether I should put the final tally in purely because of my opening comments but
3) I caught 1037 pike - averaging 4.8 per day
4) I’ve released 1028 pike back
5) I took 9 pike home for the table
6) I had 29 blanks this season - This I put down to the extremely hot summer we experienced, and a late ice melt off in the spring. Also, 9 of these days were completely calm days with no wind and zero surface disturbances.Had I not had so many blanks I'm sure my average catch rate would have been a lot higher!
7) I caught 218 pike below 65cm
8) 292 between 65cm – 75cm
9) 427 between 75cm – 85cm
10) 88 between 85cm – 95cm
11) 9 between 95cm – 105cm
12) 1 x 106cm, 1 x 112cm, 1 x 118cm
13) I caught 6 pike over a meter in length
14) 3 x PB’s 106cm, 112cm & a 118cm
15) I caught 472 with floating lines & 562 with intermediate lines
16) I started this season as I ended last with one rod set up with a 60lb mono leader trace but scrapped it directly after the tournament due to what I’d seen through a couple of lost fish. I did catch 7 fish before scrapping the system.
17) I have since only used a wire trace on both rods and caught the remaining amount using this method.
18) I caught 9 pike with my 1st cast of the session
19) I caught 441 fish on sunny/partly cloudy days & 596 fish on overcast/rainy days.
20) I’ve used, tried, and in some cases tested 12 different Intermediate & floating lines.
21) I’ve had to pull a hook out of my body on 13 occasions this season, and no, I’m not a shit caster, I just don’t let 18m/per/sec winds stop me from fishing.
22) I caught 381 using tube flies……317 were with raccoon bunny tubes.
23) I caught 738 pike with attractor patterns & 299 with baitfish patterns
Most popular colours with attractor patterns
Green/yellow 32
Chartreuse/white 114
Olive/brown/gold 62
Pink/white 126
Red/white 86
Orange/black 91
Turquoise/blue/white 22
Black/white 38
Yellow/Orange 19
Flash 55
Pink/Black 22
Yellow/white 17
Others mixed 27
Turquoise/white 19
Blue/white 8
Most popular baitfish colour patterns
Perch 44
Herring 36
Red/black 24
Red/white 38
Purple/blue/black 41
Black 27
Orange/white 9
White/Black 16
Black/yellow 33
Black/pink 31
Some more to follow in a couple of days
What I’m looking for is for 25 readers to send me 5 separate materials + a hook to tie the materials onto. Materials can be anything you desire from flash, plastic rope, Synthetics, feathers, doctor’s rubber gloves….your choice, but should be enough to produce a decent pike fly with. As and when the materials arrive, I will then tie up a fly from them, photograph them + the materials used, and then put the collection of flies up for auction on a web based auction site. All the money obtained from the auction will then be donated to “Casting for recovery Alaska” which is part of the national program to help breast cancer survivors heal - both physically and emotionally - through weekend fly-fishing retreats.
To put yourself in line to win the rod, entrants must predict as close as to the amount made from the auction of the flies. Anyone can enter, but for an added incentive, those that send me an envelope of materials + hook, will be given 5 extra guesses each.
Materials must be sent to
Baltic pike flies
Söderövägen 31
So although there is a rod to be given away, there is a bigger picture here with regards to this competition, as the proceeds go to a truly worthy cause. Leave your answers here in the comments section of this post or you can enter them through the contacts form in the right hand column of this blog. For those that have a blog and follow this one….please spread the word, I’m hoping this is going to generate a lot of interest.