" I’ll admit I had a tear in my eye as my biggest ever Essox Lucius disappeared back into the murky water, for her capture wasn’t the result of a short Christmas holiday piking session; it was the culmination of a lifetime’s experience, years of often-unrewarded effort and a childhood dream that had become reality during one freezing afternoon on my local beat".
Well Done Ben and cheers for sending this mate...Flies are in the post.
Throw away the bug bond and us Deer Creeks Diamond core resin
Are you takin the piss mate!
no we have a new resin uv cure one was going to name it after a cure song.
will send you some end of next week
Will it come with a UV Light as well....They are rather expensive to just hand out Nic.
The reason why I say that is because each UV RESIN is designed for their own light intensity spectrum,so the UV lamps I have might not set the product.
Its going to be a hard sell as Bug-bond truly does shit all over other products,no tac, extremely fast setting.
Nice fish Ben... a fish we all dream of... no doubt you'll be pleased with the flies that Simon sends you...
...and Simon I'm grateful for your comments about Bug-Bond... it has been a long haul to get it just right.
Once a Bug-bonder always a bug-bonder!
So Si you dont want a free sample and torch???
And its half the price of BB and the UV lamp is only £9.99
Nic off course it would be great to receive free products to test now and then but over the last 3 years I have used Tuffleye,Rio UV knot sealer,Loon Outdoors UV wader repair (free sample),Clearcuregoo,5 & 8 minute epoxies and I honestly can say that Bug-bond is by far the best UV resin on the market....Sometimes you have to pay a little more for quality.
Now I'm not saying your resin wont be good...hell it might be, but coming on here telling me its half price to BB and the lamp is 9,99 directly after the chap that developed BB left a comment, is just not the correct way to conduct things is it. That's like shitting on your own door step.
I understand its a dog eat dog world out their but come on these sought of things can be discussed through skype or by email not in a comments section of a blog.
point taken.
but dont lets fall out over a little excitement
Hey never Nic...no worries, honest. Its all good mate.
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