This weeks pike porn comes by the way of regular visitor to PikeFFArticles Rowland Frasier, who hails from
Anyway I’ve been conversing with Rowland regularly over the last month with regards to his pike on the fly travels and he’s been very kind to send me a CD with an array of images depicting not only his pike on the fly exploits, but also his trip to the Amazon as well as a large selection of his flies which he ties and sells. So over the next three days I’ll be running a feature about Rowland & what he has brought to the sport of pike on the fly.
Well start proceedings off with a set of images from his Pike on the fly Adventures in Canada & Alaska. Thanks for these Rowland, you’re a true gentleman and by the looks of it a living legend in my eyes.
Impressive Eh! and that's only a hand full I have. Tomorrow I'll feature his Flies which will literally blow you away.
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