Have somebody you’d like to drag along for a days pike fly-fishing but are finding it hard to convince them, or maybe you are considering trying it out but still having doubts, or maybe you’ve been fly-fishing for pike for donkeys years and looking for some inspiration. Well here is a DVD that left me literally dribbling all over my leg. This is my idea of Pike fly-fishing Porn perfection.
PIKE ON THE FLY “In pursuit of the water wolf” by Barry Reynolds has to be one of the best pike fly-fishing films available. I have sat in awe and watched this several times over the last few months. 2 years in the making, Barry visits some of the best pike waters in North America & and in some of the best top water action ever filmed he gets stuck into so truly massive leviathans on the fly.
There is a special features section where Barry also shows you his favourite patterns, Leader set ups & fly line selections for all water depths.
For a preview of what is on the DVD then click on this link
So If you only ask for one present this Christmas then get
“In pursuit of the water wolf” check out www.rudiheger.eu where you can buy it.