Friday 21 May 2010

Spey Casting for pike

This is something I'm seriously looking into. I spend a lot of time wading here on the island and using this technique from rocky points would expand my target area considerably. My only downfall is getting to grips with rigging up a skaggit line for my 2 handed rod. If anyone knows how to construct one please get hold of me to share some ideas. Sure they rely on current to be able to load the line but am sure with a decent wind behind you it would work in the same principle.


Jeff said...

Don't bother with a skagit line for pike fishing. Just get yourself some longer shooting heads. Skagit lines are meant for spey casting and swinging flies and are not optimal for overhead casting and stripping line. If anything you can cast scandi style with the shooting heads.

All about the grab said...

Cheers Jeff...interesting I never looked at it that way. I do know of a group of lads in Sweden that use skaggit lines off the rocks in the Baltic to great effect but what your saying makes for thought.

Danny said...

Funny I've been thinking of getting into this too and have been trying to match up what was needed.. I was going to ask you if you've ever tried. i was looking at the Rio outbound lines. really looking forward to seeing what you come up with.. false casting takes a lot out of a guy in a full day of Pike obsession.

Milos Lazarevic said...

Few days ago I had a chance to play around with switch rod and Rio outbound line. It's just great and it was so easy to get distance without back casts. I would definitely support you on this one. You should try it for sure!

For spay and roll casts I would go for AFS OutBound if you're into Rio products.

Miksu said...

I think you definitely should check the skagit lines. As the pike flies are big and heavy. Exatcly the situation where skagits were developed for. Using a normal shooting heads you would run in to trouble. . E.g. Rio AFS 9/10 is having trouble casting big fox tubes, with a pike fly it would be horrific.

marv said...

Hallo from Germany,
here's another great 'spey casting for pike' movie.


scott said...

Hi Simon, How is the guy from the states doing over there?? has he been able to hook up any big pike yet?? He has a nack for that as I have been with him many times in canada, and witnessed some of his larger ones! Hope your both haveing a good time and landing a few!
Please pass along that he has a new Great Grandson... Quinn who arrived last sat @ 7lb 7 oz. mother and baby doing fine @ home, Tight lines!
Scott Frazier

Anonymous said...

I'm the guy in the video. It is a floating line I'm using, not a skagit line. I can toss really large flies this way, like mega divers. What I like about using a spey rod is the distance I can cast with it. I can cover a lot of water. You don't need moving water either. I cast in lakes all the time. If you try it, I am sure you will like it.

All about the grab said...

Hey Dan,
Thanks for the info.Its something I'm very interested in getting into.Everyone seems to have their own take on the technique which I'm just absorbing it all in. Interesting to read its just a floating line your using.Does it have a heavy weighted head. I've been using Visions Big Mama floating line the last few weeks with my double handed rod and It seems to be perfect. Finding the right balance of flies is whats proving difficult as I'm always tempted to stick something a tad to heavy and long for the application. Suppose its all a learning curve.

Anonymous said...

I'm making a new video for you tube showing you don't need wind or current to cast a big pike pike fly with a spey rod. It should be up in a few hours. I was really surprised how many questions this video raised. I hope my next one answers most of them. If it doesn't, leave a comment and I'll answer it if I can. Diver Dan

SVG said...

I think you should try this

This guy Andrew uses 11ft 8/9wt Beulah Surf Rod with Rio Outbound line. I think it would be even better for you to use 9/10wt and Rio Outbound Short line.
I think this is by far the best solution if you have the space behind and don't need spey casting and you want to use benefits in distance.
I would not recommend skagit line for overhead casting.

All about the grab said...

Thanks for the heads up mate. I have had a look at the video and the Beulah rods website and they have some nice looking rods. I see why a longer surf rod but be a good option,but I have a major problem here where I fish from and that is the tree line comes down very close to the shoreline and so back casts from the shore are nigh impossible.This is why I was and am interested in the double handed spey system for pike as I'm able to fish un hindered close to shore. A longer surf rod would be perfect for more open areas when elavated from rocky points and space to cast but I don't always have that luxury.

Great feedback though