Unfortunately nobody managed to correctly guess my favourite football team. Granted there was a little more white that threw everyone one off, but Liverpool was the answer I was looking for........and not Arsenal!! So I thought for the final giveaway of the week I'd throw in these 3 Bangers as well as the Gurglebug and leave the competition open till Sunday and announce the winner on Monday. So to win these flies..... How many years & months has PikeFFArticles been running. Leave your answers in the comments section, or through the comments form in the right column or if your a friend of mine on facebook then leave a comment on the posted note itself.
Good luck these are some sweet flies I'm givin away!
1year 5.5 months. Gimme them flies! :)
1 year, 6 months, and 9 days. (If I can count correctly)
Those flies look great!!
1 year 5 months and 16 days...
557 days, or as you wish - 1 year, 6 months, 10 days (at 16:th of April 2010). Best wishes, Robin Avall
One year, 7 months (+/- 10 days since Oct 7th, 2008).
557 days or 1 Year 6 months and 10 days
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