Here's some great top water footage from Alaska. This is the reason why I use Poppers and surface lures so much.For all you Hollywood & Bollywood Blueliners out there that wouldn't find this kind of fishing exhilarating, then you're heads not screwed on right. Blood courses through my veins watching footage like this. Enjoy!
In my defense though, water temps are barely above 3’c and there was plenty of ice still floating about. I did manage to see an Osprey & 2 White tailed eagles flying around, as well as numerous wading birds resting up in the shallows…..so not all was lost.
Go to the Google maps in the side bar to see where I was.Green markers with dots in the middle
Click on the map to see a large version. Enlarge it then click & drag until you find the red rectangular area marked.Or go to my Google maps fishing report in the sidebar.Its the green marker with the dot in the middle.
A big thank you goes out to Janne who features in a lot of these Images. He writes his own fishing blog from Sweden called “Team Örebroarn “ and was gracious enough to let me use these images of him proudly showing us some of his own pike porn. The site is in Swedish but it does have Google translate anyway. If you’d like to see more images then go to his flickr page.
Don’t get me wrong Canadian & North American Pike are big but I have to say that Baltic pike are up there with the best. The one thing I can say about Baltic Pike and that is they fight harder than their freshwater cousins. You really do know when you have one on the business end of your line.
The Marabou Muddler from Richard Strolis on Vimeo.
Articulated Muddler from Richard Strolis on Vimeo.
Go to the Google map in the sidebar to check out where I was fishing.The Pink marker with the dot in the middle on the west of the island is the last place fished.