So I'm back on line for the forseeable future even though I still haven't got a fixed abode yet. Arrived back last week to find the owners still living in the cottage I was supposed to move into so I'm living out of a suitcase in their B&B for now. Anyway while back home in south Africa I spent some time thinking about how I was going to approch this comming season here on Replot. Being able to fish as much as I do, I really can spend the majority of my time on the water trying different leader lengths,fly designs etc etc. I want to be able to fish as simple as possible this year so I've decided to use only 12 flies altogether. 6 tube flies and 6 traditional hook flies and will be alternating each day between one another.Type/design & Colour choice for these twelve flies is going to be important yet I still want to keep things simple. I have around two weeks to finalise my fly choice and colour combos so once I've decided I'll post my finished band of misfits and the reasonings behind my choices.
Hi Simon and welcome back even if your arrival wasn´t planned to be like this. Very good looking flies as usually. I have a plan to come to Replot sometime in june when my vacation start,will first go to Ahvenanmaa but after that.
Hi Simon and welcome back even if your arrival wasn´t planned to be like this.
Very good looking flies as usually.
I have a plan to come to Replot sometime in june when my vacation start,will first go to Ahvenanmaa but after that.
welcome anytime mate,you know that.
Beautiful flies! What fish wouldn't want to take em and run.
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