I've been so snowed under with fly orders through my shop the last month and a half, that it's great to be able to have some freedom to get the creative juices flowing again with this new batch of Musky flies I'm tying up. This double tandem rig is just over 13" inches long and is a combination of Yellow & Brown schlappen. Gold fff flash,Brown, yellow and black bucktail, Red/brown microbarb saddles and a tightly packed yellow and black deerhair head. The images aren't up to my usual standard as I'm having to take them with a shitty cheap hand held camera in an area of my dads kitchen that makes my Amsterdam whore house of a studio in Finland look like a palace in comparison.
With all these Musky flies I like to tie the schlappens splayed outward to give it optimum movement. This I do by adding two tightly packed clumps of bucktail around the hook shaft then butting the schlappens up against that. This allows the feathers to be splayed out away from the body of the fly and once wet stops them from clogging up between one another and frees the tandem tail up for more movement. Tying them on this way as well, allows them to spring back after each strip giving maximum vibrations under the water as well as give the fly much needed volume and a larger silhouette from below.
Nice work Simon, really like the yellows... And size!
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