With the shoals of baitfish increasing around the island I been using a couple of Silver assassins the last couple of evenings while out wading. Tied onto 3/0 partridge ultimate predator hooks.Total length 100mm. Pike just are'nt interested in anything unless they look fishy and have been feeding close to the surface.This has been evident by how many breech themselves as they shoot up from below to hit the shoals. I've tried poppers but they just leave them alone.So I've been fishing with a floating line and a 6ft 20lb mono leader with varying success. Several Fast strips with a lengthy pause seems to get them interested but I've lost count how many follow the fly as close up to my stripping basket then veer away at the last second
Have also been fishing with this 80mm fly the last week tied onto a Tiemco 811s 2/0 and have had numerous 70cm - 75cm jacks to hand. This was just one of 6 from last nights 1 hr session. I call it bread n butter fishing, Cause I'd rather be out fishing everyday catching bread n butter jacks in the summer....than not fishing at all!Bread n butter fishing from Simon Graham on Vimeo.
I love these little slice-of-heaven vids.
Fantastic flies as always Si. WIsh I was chucking there with ya!
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