I early March this year I read an article by renowned pike fishermen Chris Mcully on the new 9’0” Loop Pike Booster fly rod, and since acquiring one from a fly-fishing fair here in Finland from a company called Eumer I can honestly say that it has to be the best Pike fly rod “I” have used so far.
Mine came with a fully loaded Loop Evotec c/w Seight reel, with 80m backing, 30m intermediate fly line and coupled to that with a shooting head line, leader and Pike trace + a lightweight travel case for just €250.
Although there are a few rod manufacturers out there producing fly rods specifically for Pike fly-fishing none that I have come across over the last twelve yrs have the overall grunt and design features that the Loop Pike buster has got going for it. It casts flies of 20cm or more like a dream but it’s the stiffness of the tip that I find has been the greatest help for me with casting larger flies.Fly-fishing for pike in Sweden has taken off in a big way and it shows with the development of Loops pike fly-fishing equipment & Tackle. They have managed to corner the market here in Scandinavia in regards to the sport with innovative development and feedback from an experienced pool of Loop guides and tackle users. It is also evident in the amount of Swedish Pike fly-tiers that are popping up all over the net with not only products for sale but wonderful fly-tying tutorials as well.In Finland though fly-fishing for pike is still in its infancy. I can’t tell you how many people come up to me during the course of the day over here to tell me that there aren’t any Salmon or Trout stocked in the lake or river I am fishing on. Many shake their heads in disbelief once they learn that I am fly-fishing for pike and many have stated that why would I want to waist my time and energy fly-fishing for such a “rubbish” species as the pike anyway.
…………………..If Only they knew hey!
I bought one booster rod today, but with loop multi 6-9 reel. I like it and hardly wait to catch first pike :)
Nice....Looking forward to seeing some pike porn from you.
I'm looking for a new rod for pikefishing. I think this is the right rod, but I have a question for you:
- How is this rod for seatrout fishing? I'm going to use it for pike, but I think I'm going to fish seatrout a couple of times.
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