Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Ice pick streamer by Rch Strollis

The "Ice-Pick" Streamer from Richard Strolis on Vimeo.

Here's another fly by one of my favourite fly tiers Rich Strollis, that could be tweeked slightly to target pike. I've become a massive fan of these fish skulls from flymenfishing co as they give your fly an awesome jigging action when used with a floating line and sink tip.


  1. That looks like a real killer fly! Really nice.It may be a question of taste but I would put more of that red material to contrast the rest of grey/white colors. Otherwise it looks cool.

  2. Bruce,
    If you want more red in there you can also throw in some red shaggy dub in the brush, it compliments it well and gives it more of a trigger. I will be tying up some larger ones for toothy critters at a later date and will post a video. Cheers
