Monday, 2 August 2010

Readers fish porn

Rickard over at "Team Dalkars" blog who has recently started visiting PikeFFArticle's shores sent me these images from an early spring session he'd had with a couple of mates over in Sweden. As per usual these kind of fish generally come towards the end of a session and was tempted with an extremely slow retrieve with the odd stop in between. 11.27 kg and 110cm in length. Well done brother and thanks for these.

Click the link to see more images from his session.


  1. It's a stunning pike, but even more so when it's caught on the fly. However, i've been on a couple of trips to their fishing "hot-spot", wich in real-life is some sort of a powerplant. Not that it really matters though and it seems fair but when they catch large size perch and other species frequently i wonder what the hell is going on there. Cheating or whatever, i don't know, its just too fishy for me to be true.

  2. Generally around power plants water tempretures are much warmer due to run off.This warm water allows for smaller baitfish to gather in numbers which in turn has a knock on effect with regards to the fish that predate on them. With a constant supply of food all year round fish will obviously grow to larger sizes. With so much pressure from enviromental orginisations these days I'm sure the water flowing into the river from the power plant is free of toxins and isnt the reason why the fish are oversized there.

  3. Great fish! I used to live near a power plant. I fished it in the winter, and the closer the ice came to the back of the plant, the bigger the fish got. I would only get one but it was aleays big. I miss the power plant. Again, realy great fish! Well done!
    Diver dan
