Monday, 19 July 2010


Richard over at "Custom pike/saltwater flies" kindly sent me a large batch of assorted eyes a couple of months ago which I have been meaning to mention but I've been so bloody busy I haven'y had much time to saught them out let alone photograph. Anyway I managed a few hours this weekend to do just that. I have 15 sets of different coloured eyes in a variety of sizes which I will be selling in my shop in the coming days. The great thing about this offer is each bag will have 4 eyes from each batch giving you the option of being able to match the eyes to the colour of fly you have tied. Bags will cost €3,80 and will be on a 1st come 1st serve basis.....well until I aquire another batch from him.

Green 5mm

Red/silver 5mm

Red/Orange oval

Green long

Green/silver 10mm

Yellow/silver 15mm

Red long

Red/silver oval

Orange long

Translucent blue/green 10mm

Orange/white 10mm

pink/silver 8mm

pink/silver 5mm

Richard also sent me some samples of some new truly realistic eyes in 5,8 & 10 mm diameters in a range od colours from gold,green and reddish. I have to say that these are probably the most realistic eyes you will ever come across. If you want some then drop Richard a line over at his blog.

He also has some fantastic fly tying equipment on offer ie: scissors and some wonderful bucktail stackers as well. It might take me a while before I manage to upload all these eyes into the shop so if your interested then drop me a line or get hold of Richard as well.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Those eyes are very realistic, I'm impressed!

    - Jonathon of
