Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Squid (II)

This is the other squid pattern I tied up. Much the same at the first one with the white and grizzly microbarb saddles.I also added 2 strands of holographic Xmas tinsel down each flank. The main body is a combination of white and pink marabou hairline feathers.

A super super light fly to chuck and it moves and breathes very similar to a squid. I'm chuffed with these two patterns at both the raccoon and marabou do the job nicely. I'll be at the Helsinki fishing fair from tomorrow so I'll try and post something from there when I get the chance. If any of you fins are going then stop by and say hi.


  1. it looks terrific ! congrats

    have fun at Helsinki !

  2. Site is great - we love the pike fishing at www.puddlebud.com

    Added you to our blogroll - would love if you did the same!

    Again, nice site!

  3. Really nice pattern Simon... almost fell over when I originally saw them and haven't changed my opinion... WOW!
