Monday, 7 September 2009

700 Teeth

Some of you that visit this blog will already have heard and even visited the new pike fly-fishing website “700 Teeth” run by Ulf Hagstrom. It has the makings of a top sight, especially once he has all his new pike fly products available. All the usual topics related to pike on the fly can be found on its pages from fly tying tutorials to featured fly tyers as well as a forum & photo gallery.

Ulf has been heavily involved with the development of some new pike fly products and with names like “The Bubble popper head”, “ Bonehead” & the new “Mega zonker”, I can only imagine they’re going to be the fucking bollocks, and I cant wait to get my hands on them. Anyway click the image or the link to visit his site.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a million for "pushing" it for me mate, really appreciate it! I noticed that there was a little wrong with the link though, should point to /index.htm instead of /1index.htm, my bag really because I changed it =)
