Thursday, 20 August 2009

Walleye/Zander Jigging flies

Since joining Eumer’s pro staff team I’ve been extremely busy developing & testing a specific range of pike fly accessories for them, and fair play to the Eumer staff for sitting down and listening to what is needed. An area that I’m particularly interested in, is the development of walleye/Zander/Pike-perch tube jigging flies. Jigging for Perch & Zander/walleye is big business in the northern hemisphere, especially here in Finland. In fact millions of euros is spent on rubber jellies globally annually.

Anyway over the last 2 months I’ve really taken a good hard look at the design of a typical Zander/walleye jig, from its weighted head to the rubber tail to see how I could incorporate these features using natural or synthetic materials for jigging tube flies. Well without disclosing much, Eumer have now designed some truly amazing yet simple tube fly jig heads which unfortunately I’m unable to show you just yet, until they add them to their accessories list in a month or so. What I can say is that these small bunny bugs with these new jigging heads bagged 18 Zander/walleye last weekend and until the product comes out on the market I’m unable to show you the other designed flies (only because the heads have been tied and varnished onto the tubes) I have which they used and bagged a whopping 31 fish.

I do have these 3 here though, which between them caught 27 Zander. I’ve combined small sections of tube with beads, Sparkle yarn and Raccoon fur and used with these new jig heads, I think I’m onto a winner. The reason for this is, unbeknown to me, the owner of the largest shopping centre here in Finland used them and was so impressed with their ability to catch fish that he has now made an order that is going to keep me busy all through the winter to supply his fishing departments needs for next year.


  1. What an amazing haul you had! I bet you can't wait to show everyone the finished products next month ;0). It is always so exciting to be involved in product development, we wish you every success when the products are launched.

  2. Hmmmm...
    Never tried to catch Zander on the flyrod, i "copy" your flies from the pictures an try it out!
    I am waiting for more.

