Monday, 4 May 2009

Weekly pike fly

Flies don't come more simpler than this pattern. Here is Brian Grensteen showing us how to tie it.

PikeFly from Brian Grensteen on Vimeo.


  1. Hey simon.
    nice site you have.
    I'm glad you can use my film on your site.
    Now that the spawning season is over here in Denmark, and fishing is at full force. I will make a couple of films more about pike.
    You are welcome to use them on your site.
    You can also see my fish club site at
    and my flies on / bgfluer.htm

  2. Your welcome Brian.I will have a look around your site tomorrow and more pike flies would be great to feature on PikeFFArticles as well as pike on the fly porn.
    Thanks for stopping by

  3. That looks to be a really great chenille fibre being used... where do you get that stuff from??

  4. Dave best bet is to ask Brian.Just click his name on the video and it will take you to his vimeo site where you could leave a message for him.
