Monday, 9 March 2009

Pike on the fly Norway style

Pike on the fly in Scandinavia is getting bigger and bigger with each growing year. Last year I came across these films of Roy and Robert getting stuck into some great looking pike on the fly in Norway. What I particularly like about this footage is how well they both handle and release these Pike, which to me is a great advertisement for the sport. Robert Sørvik has kindly allowed me to up load them onto my blog… cheers for that Robert.

Roy & Robban Gjedde & Asp Part 1. from Robert Sørvik on Vimeo.

Roy & Robban Gjedde & Asp Part 2. from Robert Sørvik on Vimeo.


  1. Nice pikes there..where in norway did they fish`??

  2. Am not exactly sure Harold but I will find out for you from Robert
