Tuesday, 12 June 2012
A days work!
Had a nice little half hour session yesterday picking up 4 fish all in the mid 90's. This one took the fly that was covered in weed 60cm out the water as I was lifting out to clean off. what a savage attack!
Monday, 11 June 2012
Been to long!
Sorry for no posting the last 3 to 4 weeks but its been balls to the walls with guiding clients 17hrs a day and just haven't had the energy to even think about anything once I get back home in the evenings. In all honesty this has been the worst fishing season I have had in 7 yrs here due to a number of factors. Constant north winds have not only pushed water towards Sweden which in turn has kept the warmer water from moving up into the Baltic, but water temps have been between 6'c - 8'c for over 4 week here and only now is it starting to rise. Coupled with that water level here have been at their lowest in 7 yrs and when water levels around the island are that low then the fish go off the bite. Pike have been reluctant to take flies and overall with 12 clients already back home we have only taken 826 pike which compaired to last yr is only half. Saying all that though water temps have now risen to around 12'c - 14'c and pike have become aggressive and we had a great end to last week with 42 fish caught and released in 4 hrs all above 75cm....We have seen some truly monster pike but they just havent been interested enough to want to take flies or lures. frustrating yet exsiting all in one cast. Have managed several between 90cm - 99cm, but havent had any over the one meter mark yet.